
TMMD Consulting is a technology services and products company specialized in Data Warehousing and General IT consulting. We are headquartered in upstate New York, with consultants located in Minnesota, Ohio, and Georgia. Our company offers long-term experience in the Conception and Implementation of Large IT and Data Warehousing projects, ETL development, testing, and implementations, as well as general Database knowledge and Web Integrations.  We also have extensive experience in the Collections and Recoveries segments of IT Consulting and development.

Prior to founding TMMD Consulting, our founders most recently worked in the business Intelligence and data warehouse consulting divisions of Google, Equifax, FICO, and other fortune 500 organizations.

Our Main Qualifications

Long-term and diversified experience in multiple Information Technologies branches.

More than 50 years of IT experience with many Fortune 100 & 500 companies.

International Projects in different countries and languages for Client/Server and Web/Internet development.
Conception through Implementation of numerous large Data Warehouse projects and the accompanying ETL development associated with their conversions, maintenance, and migrations.

TMMD has established reference relationships with some of the largest corporations in the world, and offers a knowledgebase and manpower in the DWH area which spans the basic Warehouse needs up to the most complex, including Parallel Systems and VLDB with Web integration. 

The Future of TMMD

We will continue to build upon our services focus in the Telecommunications, Banking and Industrials sectors. The market demand for our services is increasing as rapidly as the interest from potential contractors and employees; which has enabled us to expand our base of technologists that we may offer for existing and future project / product developments. Through this it is our goal to achieve the highest degree of customer satisfaction within an increasingly complex and demanding IT infrastructure.